Terms of Use & Privacy

LEGO is a registered trademark of The LEGO Group (TLG) and is not affiliated with SC Bricks Events. SC Bricks Events are sponsored by SC Bricks LUG, a South Carolina nonprofit corporation recognized as a 501(c)(7) organization by the US Internal Revenue Service.

Use of this website is exclusively limited for informational and ticket purchasing purposes. Data collected on this website will only be used by SC Bricks LUG and not shared with external parties. Please do not submit information through this website that you do not intend to share with SC Bricks LUG.

Tickets purchased through this website are not refundable. The purchaser assumes all risk in purchasing a ticket, in attending an event, and in engaging with SC Bricks LUG. By making a ticket purchase, the purchaser agrees to indemnify SC Bricks LUG against any and all claims related to the purchase, attendance at an event, and participation in any event activities.

Please direct any and all inquiries regarding these Terms of Use to SC Bricks via the contact form on this website.